Rockford Fosgate PMX16C Punch Marine Extension Cable for PMX Remotes

Rockford Fosgate PMX16C Punch Marine Extension Cable for PMX Remotes. Car Security Keyless Start. DJ – PA Speakers. Pre Fab Speaker Boxes. 16′ or 25′ or 50′ Marine wired remote extension cable (proprietary female 13-pin connector on one end/proprietary male 13-pin connector on the other). 16-foot extension cable or 25-foot Extension Cable or 50 Foot extension Cable. Compatible with PMX-8DH, PMX-1R, or PMX-0R marine remotes. Check Us Out On All Social Media Platforms /BigJeffAudio. Please make sure to box up product in original boxes and all paperwork and parts. Speakers with Burnt Coils or frozen up or physical damage will not be accepted. Amplifiers that have been smoked from improper use will not be accepted. (Boxes, Packing, Instructions, ETC) Everything we sent needs to come back. No physical damage will be accepted!!! To see our Feedback.
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