XM Delphi Head Unit Plus Accessories

XM Delphi Head Unit Plus Accessories.
Active Sirius Stiletto 2 SL2 Radio withHome Kit, Vehicle Kit, Portable Kit

This Active Sirius Stiletto 2, SL2 Radio with a new Sirius SL2 Home Kit, a Sirius SL2 Vehicle Kit and a Portable Kit are in very nice condition. The SL2 Radio has minor scratches on the screen. This SL2 Radio also comes with a new OEM Battery. The Sirius Portable Kit comes Antenna Headphones, Sirius Ear Buds and PC Cable in original box. The new Stiletto 2 Home Kit includes the SL2 Home Dock, AC Power Adapter, the SL2 Remote Control, RCA Audio Cables, USB Cable, Home Antenna and User Guide not in original box. The Stiletto 2 Vehicle Kit includes the SL2 Vehicle Dock, Remote Control, Vehicle Power Adapter, Magnetic Antenna, Vehicle Mounts, User Guide in original box. This Stiletto 2 radio has been active for the past 12 month and has received multiple channel update signals. This Stiletto 2 Radio has over 125 channels. As of 2015, Internet radio is no longer available on any Stiletto radios. Do not contact Sirius for support, they will turn off active subscription.