Toughsat XP. 98M Flyaway Satellite System

TS2 Dual Matrix Controller. FlyAway 3 Piece System. Fly and Drive System. 6W or 8W BUC. The TOUGHSAT XP Series Mobile Satellite Systems are designed for rugged reliability in the most challenging of environments. Both the 1.2 and. 98 Meter TOUGHSAT XPs mount on top of any vehicle, truck or command trailer roof. Connecting is as easy as pressing the Find Satellite button on the XP controller. The dish will automatically deploy, lock on satellite and create a high-speed network for any in range computers, smartphones or other wireless devices. All Weather – All Conditions. The TOUGHSAT XP is built for extreme environments. Black anodized aluminum, UV resistant plastics, sealed onboard electronics, a no-backlash braking system and dish-arm shock absorbers for operating in high winds. Even strong magnetic distortions have no effect because the on-board acquisition routine does not require a compass reading. The Toughsat XP has superior IP-66 environmental ratings which means it handles extreme rain, snow and wind. Premium Satellite Service – Single Source. Remote Satellite offers both equipment and premium iDirect service that delivers up to an amazing 5 Mbps download and 2Mbps upload connecting speed. These speeds are possible because service is always below a contention ratio of 20:1. This is unlike consumer services that have a crawling ratio approaching 400:1. Our service is available when you need it, so while it may be more expensive, you get what you pay for with us. Each XP controller has an integrated router and wireless access point, so any wireless capable device within 100. À_ from the vehicle may connect. Wireless (via satellite) is far more reliable than cellular networks, both because satellite does not require a nearby cellular tower, and satellite is not affected by localized disasters that take cellular towers offline. Our most popular fixed satellite solution uses the iNFINITI 3100 satellite gateway connected to a 1.2 Meter satellite dish with a 4 or 6 watt BUC (transmitter) on a non-penetrating mount, or ground mounted pole. This system will deliver Internet connection speeds of 5Mbps down by 2Mbps up, with a low contention ratio over our iDirect network (in North America). It will also allow for 1 to 10 VoIP phones to connect with crystal clear communications.